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Updated: Sep 19, 2020

Where did you begin your fitness journey?

What motivated you to dive into the world of exercise?

Whether you are already active or looking to start a fitness journey, we would love to be a part of it! Here at CP Fitness, our passion lies in motivating others and providing the opportunity for you to succeed in your fitness journey through helpful and informative posts, as well as discussions to share ours and your unique experiences.

Who is CP Fitness? Well, we are two third-year university students studying kinesiology with many years of exercise experience. Here's a little bit about our personal fitness journeys and where we started:

Back when I was 13, I used to be in my room for hours reading late into the night, delving into the world of mythology and getting lost in the pages. After months of this, we moved houses and my family set up a treadmill. I started to get bored so I decided to take my book to the treadmill. During this time I was taking dance classes in a studio. I looked up to the competitive dancers at my studio and decided to progress from walking to pilates to improve my flexibility and strength. A year later, I was invited to join the competitive dance team! I was ecstatic! From that point on, I started loving exercise and started learning about the science behind it. This not only helped me improve my personal fitness skills but played a huge role in applying and studying kinesiology at the university level. Currently, I am heavily involved in HITT workouts, running, and dance recreationally.

- P

For me, it all started in Grade 9. I had always wanted to improve my muscle mass as the majority of my fitness was cardio, as an avid soccer player and cross-country/track athlete. One of my friends was a kickboxer and invited me to join him for a gym session at lunch. After that session, I was hooked. I would spend many lunches in the weight room, I remember the burning sensation after the workout and the dopamine rush associated with it. After Grade 9, my friend moved to another school. I still went to the gym frequently the next year but after that, I lost motivation. Then, in my first year of university, another friend brought me to the gym and taught me new exercises. With renewed motivation and a year of kinesiology classes under my belt, I applied my knowledge and hit the gym that summer, introducing one of my friends to the world of fitness. I am currently an avid runner, training for a half marathon.

- C

Welcome to our blog! Stay tuned for posts focused around healthy living, interesting information like current research and the science behind exercise.

Just keep swimming... I mean moving,

- CP

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